The mission of Hope for Children Ministries is to bring hope to the children of Rwanda.
We bring physical and spiritual healing and opportunities to the people of Rwanda by focusing our attention on children who often face a dim future unless an opportunity intervenes in their lives. The life-changing opportunities we offer are Child Sponsorship and Education. We also provide opportunities for families to thrive through parenting classes, and to become self-sufficient through trade training and various other programs.
Executive Directors Julie Klosiewski and Yves Nyamushanja share in the video below that through Child Sponsorship and Education, we are making a huge difference in the lives of those whom God brings to us.
As a Christ-centered, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, our ultimate goal is to live out 1 John 3:18: “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”
Hope for Children Ministries brings healing through Jesus Christ, provides basic needs in the short-term, and seeks lasting change for the people in the community.
We meet people where they are and bring them HOPE. We invite you to join us!
Learn more:
Hope for Children International School
How Every Child Sponsorship Dollar Is Spent
Donate for Jr High School Building
Dedicated to serving those in need through spiritual and economic development.
Hope For Children Ministries, Inc
Hope For Children Ministries, Inc
Hope For Children Ministries-Rwanda
Julie Klosiewski, Board Chair
Alan Klosiewski, Member
Jeff Vanderburgh, Revenue/Treasurer
Debbie Michalak, Secretary
Scott Palmer, Member
Jill Palmer, Member
Maria Tuttle, Member