To experience hope is to live with a confident expectation and desire for something good in the future - regardless of past events or current circumstances.

Rwanda is a small country in central Africa. It’s a beautiful country often referred to as the land of a thousand hills. But it’s also a country with a violent and tragic past. In 1994, it was ravaged by genocide. More than a million people were brutally murdered in less than 100 days.

The genocide left behind a generation of orphans. Even now, so many years later, the societal effects continue to take its toll on the people of Rwanda, especially the children of today. Those who became orphaned during the genocide are now having children of their own. Yet, they often lack skills they would have learned from others to navigate life and raise their children well. They often remain vulnerable and continue to live in poverty.

Hope for Children Ministries exists to give hope to these children and to their parents. We invite you to join us to help meet their spiritual, emotional, and physical needs through Child Sponsorship and Education!



Hope for Children International School is changing the lives of children in Rwanda. Our school educates nearly all of the 165 sponsored ...



Sponsoring a child is the most impactful way to help a child and their family. Just $43 a month provides essentials like food, education,...

Julie's Blog

School on a Hill

Traveling through Rwanda can be a disorienting experience as you marvel at the expansive beauty and witness the immense p...

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Jado’s letter of love

I’ve always understood the familiar saying “to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes” to mean not t...

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Reflecting on 2023

Thank you for supporting Hope for Children Ministries. Your generosity has helped to bring the love of Jesus to children ...

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What to say to a crowd of thousands

Not too long ago, I was at a concert when a spokesperson took the stage to make an emotional and heart-felt plea for thos...

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Here are just some of the sponsorship opportunities at Hope For Children Ministries

Bayingana Eugene

Age: 7

Birthday: 12/01/2016

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Umuganwa Belyse

Age: 7

Birthday: 12/16/2016

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UWITUZE Akaliza Emelyne

Age: 6

Birthday: 11/25/2017

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AKALIZA Housina Olga

Age: 3

Birthday: 07/21/2021

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