As we focus to bring opportunities to the children of Rwanda through Child Sponsorship and Education, there are unending needs to address for children in our program, their parents, and people in the community.
These are uncertain times in every corner of the world—including Rwanda. It’s more important now than ever to have health insurance so that when a health issue does arise, people can get the care that they desperately need.
Rwanda insurance is inexpensive—only $4 per person per year will provide insurance, but many families simply can’t afford it. The sponsorship of a child includes health insurance but we also have to help insure the entire family so that no one will have to go without the health care they need.
It’s important to also include parents on the journey of hope. That often entails helping parents to navigate life by building them up to become confident and self-sufficient.
Programs we offer parents include:
- Trade Training
- Sewing & Tailoring Certificate
- Parenting & Early Childhood Development Courses
- Nutrition Courses
- Small Business Start Up Training
- Discipleship Training
Working in tandem with parents has created a cohesive effort to bring the prospect of a brighter future in reach for the families we work with.
For many children in Rwanda, food is a luxury they feel lucky to enjoy. Many eat just one meal a day, sometimes less. And that “meal” is far less than we would expect. It may consist of one potato or a bowl of rice.
We want to feed the children in our Nyamata region by providing nutritious meals. Giving to Hope for Children Ministries helps provide community gardens that families can cultivate and enjoy as a food source and a source of income!
Parents stuck in the cycle of poverty are often unable to care for their children, even though they work hard every day. The result is that in order to survive, many children turn to the streets.
Street kids spend their day trying to find food. We know we can't help every child, but we've made some inroads with the street kids by making them an offer few will refuse. Hope for Children will pay their school fees and provide a hot lunch and dinner for the kids if they agree to go to school! We've had great success! And the best part is that these children now have a chance for a better life. They also receive the love and attention they’ve been craving as they learn about God’s plan for their lives.
Learn more:
Hope for Children International School
Donate for Jr High School Building