Just $43 a month can change a child's life!

Gasaro Sandrine and Manzi Cedrick

Birthday: 10/19/2019

Gasaro Sandrine and Manzi Cedrick

Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 4

Village Rugunga

Grade Not studying

Interests Playing with siblings

Family Details Sandrine and Cedrick love to play and live with their older brother and mom. Their mother is deaf and unable to speak. She is unsure as to who the twin's father is and so, she is on her own in caring for her children. A generous neighbor pays for her rent of $3 each month to help the family. This neighbor also helps Sandrine & Cedrick's mom to find small jobs so she can buy some food for her children. They are living in complete poverty as thier mom cannot provide for even baic needs for the children.

Favorite Food Sweet potatoes

 Gasaro Sandrine and Manzi Cedrrick are anxiously waiting for your support that they may be able to grow emotionally, socially and spiritually.