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Birthday: 05/04/2021


Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 3


Gender Male

Grade N1

Favorite Food He likes enjoying bread and rice.

Interests He likes soccer ball.

Family Duties Washing dishes and doing laundry.

Family Details Regis is a determined child and the youngest of 3 boys. Regis' father abandoned him and his brothers for another wife and now takes no responsibility for him. His mother is a survivor of the 1994 genocide against Tutsi who lost her parents and many relatives, leaving her alone to try to care for her sons. Regis' mom works menial jobs such as mining and cultivating for others, but it is not enough to sustain the family and she struggles to provide even basic needs such as food, clothes, health insurance, and school fees.

Regis is anxiously waiting for your support that he may be able learn and grow socially, emotionally and spiritually.