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IHIRWE Ayatullah

Birthday: 11/13/2016

IHIRWE Ayatullah

Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 7

Village Kigasa

Gender Male

Grade P2

Favorite Food Spahgetti

Interests He loves building blocks.

Family Duties He likes helping the people around him with any activity.

Family Details Ayatullah is a playful child who lives with his mom and two sisters. His dad has prostate cancer and is living at the hospital, due to the advanced level. Ayatullah also has two older brothers, but both have been lost. One went to Zambia to stay with his mother's friend, but now no one knows where he is. The other brother was lost to drugs. Ayatullah's mother has searched for him at police stations and even the mortuary, but she cannot find him. They are very poor, and the mother can only find occasional work doing laundry for others and struggles to meet even basic needs for Ayatullah like food, clothes, insurance, and school fees.

Ayatullah is anxiously waiting for your support that he may be able learn and grow socially, emotionally and spiritually.