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Mucyo Chris and Igihozo Christa

Birthday: 02/22/2020

Mucyo Chris and Igihozo Christa

Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 4

Village Rugarama

Grade Not yet started

Interests They like to play

Family Details Chris & Christa are twins that live with their mom, grandmother as well as two other siblings to their mom. Chris & Christa's mom is a young, single mom who could not afford to pick up her certificate in Hotel Relations, leaving her unable to provide even basic needs for her children such as food, clothes, insurance, and school fees.

Favorite Food spaghetti, rice and bread

Gender Male

Gender Female

Gender Male

Gender Female

Mucyo Chris and Igihozo Christa are anxiously waiting for a sponsor, that they may be able to have more opportunities to grow  spiritually, emotionally and socially.