Just $43 a month can change a child's life!

SANO Fideli

Birthday: 05/08/2017

SANO Fideli

Biggest Need

Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 7


Family Total for Insurance 5

Gender Male

Grade N1

Favorite Food Rice and beans.

Interests He interested in football.

Family Duties He likes bringing small things to her mother and fetches water.

Family Details Fideli had a very rough start to life - he suffered from malnutrition. His mother came to Hope for Children Ministries when Fideli was very young and weak. She found hope and food for her son, and he no longer suffers from malnutrition, however his family is very poor. He lives with his 2 siblings and parents who cultivate for others when the work is available, but Fideli may still go days without a meal, especially during the summer months when it is dry. His parents struggle to provide even basic needs for Fideli and their family such as food, clothes, and now Fideli has not yet been to school because his parents cannot provide school fees.

Fideli is fully sponsored and now has new opportunities to learn and grow physically, mentally and spiritually.