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Birthday: 02/05/2020


Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 4

Village KABAHA

Gender Female

Grade N1

Favorite Food She likes chips.

Interests She likes playing soccer ball and pretend.

Family Duties She likes helping her mother do laundry and wash the dishes.

Family Details Brianca is an active child who lives with her parents. Her parents were orphaned in the 1994 genocide against Tutsi and have struggled ever since. Brianca’s dad works hard to provide and her mom is unemployed. Brianca is currently enrolled in Hope for Children International school because her parents want better for her than they have had, but the fees take up about half of her dad’s salary, leaving little money for rent and food. Brianca’s parents struggle to provide the basic needs for her such as food, clothes, and health insurance.

Brianca is anxiously waiting for your support that she may be able learn and grow socially, emotionally and spiritually.