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Ndayishimiye Gad

Birthday: 03/14/2014

Ndayishimiye Gad

Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 10

Village Nyagatovu

Family Total for Insurance 5

Gender Male

Grade P1

Favorite Food Green bananas and rice

Interests Dancing and football

Family Details Gad loves to play games of all kinds and lives with his mom and older brother. His father and mother divorced after the father, who is a drunkard, threatened to kill his mom and take over the property of her parents who were killed in the 1994 genocide. Gad's mom is the only survivor in her family and now is a single mom who cannot find work. Since the divorce, her ex-husband sold all her property, leaving her penniless. The ex-husband did not honor what was instructed by the courts, so now she has to rent the home where they are now living. Gad's mom struggles to provide even basic needs for her family such as food, clothes, and school fees.

Ndayishimiye Gad is fully sponsored and now has new opportunities to learn and grow physically, mentally and spiritually.