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HIRWA Belinda Kethia

Birthday: 12/13/2018

HIRWA Belinda Kethia

Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 5

Village GATORO

Gender Female

Grade P1

Favorite Food She likes enjoying rice and spaghetti.

Interests She likes drawing and reading.

Family Duties She likes washing dishes and doing the laundry.

Family Details Kethia is a peaceful little girl who lives with her older sister and both parents. The family is facing hard times because her dad was working as a mason, and he fell from the top of a house seriously injuring his back. Now he cannot work, and this leaves Kethia's mom to try to provide for the family. There are many days when she cannot find work and even one small meal a day is a challenge. Kethia's mom struggles to provide even basic needs for the family such as food, clothes, health insurance, and school fees.

Kethia is anxiously waiting for your support that she may be able learn and grow socially, emotionally and spiritually.