Just $43 a month can change a child's life!


Birthday: 01/11/2018


Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 6

Village Rusekera

Family Total for Insurance 7

Gender Male

Grade N3

Favorite Food Rice and Meat

Interests He likes to imitate what others are doing

Family Duties Bringing small things to his parents

Family Details Yves likes to imitate others and lives with both parents and 4 siblings. They currently live in very bad conditions as they're homeless. They work at cultivating for people who are able to give them a place to live while they're working, but at times the family can go days without eating. Yves' parents struggle to provide basic needs such as food, clothes, health insurance and school fees.

Yves is fully sponsored and now has new opportunities to learn and grow physically, mentally and spiritually.