Just $43 a month can change a child's life!


Birthday: 07/30/2018


Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 5

Village Kagoma 2

Family Total for Insurance 3

Gender Female

Grade Studying in Early Childhood Development Center

Favorite Food doughnuts, milk, biscuits and porridge

Interests carrying baby dolls

Family Duties She likes to play with water

Family Details Esther is a sweet girl who loves to carry a baby doll. She lives with her father and grandmother. Her mother abandoned her when she was one year old and her father has mental health issues, making it impossible for him to care for Esther. Her grandmother is elderly and she is struggling to provide for Esther and the family even the most basic needs of food, clothing, insurance, and school supplies.

 Uwineza Esther is fully sponsored and now has new opportunities to learn and grow physically, mentally and spiritually.