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Birthday: 09/02/2021


Age 2


Gender Male

Grade N1

Favorite Food He likes enjoying rice and chips.

Interests He likes dancing and playing with dolls.

Family Duties He can help her grandmother wash the dishes and fetch water.

Family Details Elyon lives his mom and grandmother, by adoption. His father abandoned him and takes no responsibility for Elyon. Elyon's mom has had a traumatic past when her family fled to Tanzania to escape genocide in 1994. Shortly after they arrived in Tanzania, her father died, leaving her mom to come back to Rwanda with her and her siblings struggling through the aftermath of genocide. After a short time, her mother also died. Elyon’s mom and her siblings were now orphans, but a woman who had lost her all children and family in genocide took Elyon's mom and siblings in and raised them as her own. Elyon's mom works in hospitality as she can find work, but that isn't always possible and so she struggles to provide even basic needs for Elyon such as food, clothes, health insurance, and school fees.

Elyon is anxiously waiting for your support that he may be able learn and grow socially, emotionally and spiritually.