Just $43 a month can change a child's life!


Birthday: 05/25/2014


Place Bugesera/Nyamata

Age 9

Village Rugarama

Family Total for Insurance 6

Gender Male

Grade P2

Favorite Food Rice, Banana and Beans

Interests Soccer

Family Duties Bringing small things to his mom

Family Details Clever loves to play soccer and lives with his mom and stepfather. He has had a rough life as his mom became pregnant with him while still in high school. His dad fled when he found out his mom was pregnant and he contributes nothing to Clever's care. His mom has married another man and Clever has 2 younger siblings. Since that time his stepfather has become unkind to his stepson, Clever. Clever was supposed to start school, but his parents are very poor and can't afford the fees, let alone other basic needs such as food, clothes, shoes and health insurance.

Clever is now fully sponsored and has got the opportunity  to learn and grow physically, mentally, and spiritually.